Lia’s Volunteering Journey

I have shared before a travel story or two from our intrepid daughter Lia, most notably her climb of Mt Aconcagua in Jan 2022 (with some Canes Deer Velvet in her backpack).

She is off on her travels again and has just completed 2 weeks volunteering at Wasgamuwa National Park in Sri Lanka. It was a huge and inspiring lesson in the conflict between elephants and humans. With her farming background, Lia was able to empathise with both the farmers’ perspective as well as that of the hungry elephants!

Lia’s Next Adventure

Shortly, Lia is heading back to volunteer at a refugee camp on Lesvos Island, Greece, with an organisation called Because We Carry. She has been there before in 2016, and since hearing her stories from that time, I’ve been sending a wish each night as I climb into my bed… that each of these people find a home and a comfy bed – fast! The reality is that in many cases, they are awaiting asylum in the camps for months, often years in extremely desperate conditions. 

We’re Keen To Help

This year, the need is even greater, as the amount of people in the camp has more than doubled. Plus, like everywhere else, the expenses are greater too. Lia has launched a fundraising effort to support the organisation she will be volunteering with. They focus on offering services and delivering supplies and groceries to mothers and young children in the camp. Her aim is to raise NZ$3220 for one week’s groceries.

You Can Help Too

Canes Deer Velvet has pledged $5 for every bottle sold in July to this worthy cause! You can help us when you…

  1. Place an order for Canes Deer Velvet during July
  2. Choose to make a personal contribution via Givealittle

They will be most grateful for any support and Lia will ensure it gets to the intended recipients.

“No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark
you only run for the border when you see the whole city running as well
your neighbours running faster than you, breath bloody in their throats…
…you only leave home when home won’t let you stay”

Warsan Shire

Fundraising Update

Thank you to all our wonderful customers who placed an order in July, and to those who donated directly helping Lia surpass her goal of funding a week’s worth of groceries and supplies for the refugees in camp in Mytilini, Lesvos Island. Lia had a wonderful 2 weeks volunteering.

“While the situation in camp is different to my first trip in 2016, we have been met with the same unparalleled level of kindness and generosity from the beautiful people here. We have prepared and distributed packages for Mums with young babies who arrive with nothing but the clothes on their back. We have helped create a nice safe garden space where women and children can come to relax and feel somewhat normal for beauty days, creative days, etc. We’ve erected a semi-permanent shade sail, helped with food prep and distribution, and witnessed wonderful ex refugees growing vegetables and helping prepare food. I met a refugee who has their heart set on coming to NZ! He listens to NZ radio daily.

I just want to say a ginormous thanks you to everyone who donated, together we raised $3855. I met some incredibly inspriational people with absolute hearts of gold that deserve so much more than the situation they are in. There are boats arriving daily and the need for support and volunteers will unfortunately be here for a long time to come, so if you are interested in coming to Lesvos, and want some more info let me know!”

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